Friday, June 12, 2009

End of Week One

So this was the end of a not-so-successful week one to our new approach to Brian's troubles with bowel movements.

We started the plan last Friday. He had two successes and two accidents on Saturday. Since then he has not had a bowel movement. This is a pretty regular kid- everyday he'd have a BM. So this is not normal. Before we started this new plan Brian's pediatrician had prescribed him Miralax- we started it on Tuesday after a couple days of no BMs. Still nothing. We doubled the dose this morning and our doctor wants us to go in for a special Sunday visit if he hasn't had one by then. Amazingly, he has been in great spirits this whole week- gassy, a little more distractible than usual, and a poor little extended belly- but in a really good mood.

He's at his father's this weekend. Which could be a whole other vent, but I'll keep it simple, as I try not to drag that drama into this blog. I informed his father of our behavior plan and offered to send him all the materials we were using, emphasizing how important it is for Brian for things to be as much as the same across the board for him to be successful. His father responded that he doesn't need anything from me because he never has an accident there. Just like he never use to pull his hair there, or hit his head, or he use to talk in sentences before he was even imitating words here. I don't know if he is severly in denial still of his child's diagnosis or just does it to completely peeve me off. Either way I'm so tired of it. I just wish he would understand none of this is about me and him- it's about Brian- and we NEED to do what is best for him.

I'm worried that either Brian won't be under constant surveillance and he'll end up having an accident or that he will have a success and won't get the reinforcements and rewards that he needs to know what an awesome smart boy he is!

It's out of my hands though, and I need to just stay positive, keep my fingers crossed that he DOES go poop- as I'm worried what his poor insides are feeling at this point, and that his father does follow through. Positive thinking does wonders. At least it may get me off the couch, wallowing in worry, as I admit, I sometimes do on these weekends, and get something done this weekend- lord, knows my home needs some cleaning- especially after a week off just being one-on-one w/my boy every second of every day lol.


Christina said...

((((HUGS))))) That must be so rough to have to send him there and see him take steps back from all of your hard work. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Christina said...

((((HUGS))))) That must be so rough to have to send him there and see him take steps back from all of your hard work. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.