Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our One Way Ticket to the Cool Club

Have you seen this: The Autism Generation.?  I saw someone link to it on facebook and then jillsmo wrote a fantastically snarky post about it.  Haven't read it?  Well let me just copy & paste the one line that is having a lot of parents in an uproar.
The most likely cause of the autism epidemic is that autism has become fashionable – a popular fad diagnosis.

Fashionable?  Give me an effin' break.

Brian's stimming, flapping, screaming, not-talking, tapping, OCDness, night wakings, bolting, and everything else that goes with it is definitely starting a fad around here.  He's got kids lining up to ask him for playdates.   Other parents can't stop asking me how to get their kids to be so freakin' fashionable.  Kids want to be like him and parents wish they could have my anxiety level and dark under-eye circles.

This just deserves a good old fashioned eye roll....


jillsmo said...

My kid is so cool that he figured out years ago that when somebody asks him a question, the ONLY answer, no matter what the question, is "8 car Richmond train now approaching platform 2."


tania said...

That is just a true display of pure ignorance.

LIzbethcole29 said...

Amen.  I'm doing a lot more than eye-rolling...