Monday, January 12, 2009

My Eyes Are Beautiful

Remember the post, Kissing Girls, when a classmate became quite fond of Corbin and vice versa. Today, while I was picking him up at the bus stop I saw that he was sitting with Miss Chloe. Once in the car I decided to tease him a little bit. Our conversation went something like this...

"So Corbin, who was that that you were sitting with on the bus?"


"Ooooohhhh Chloe. I see"

"Oh I'm not really her boyfriend, I'm just a friend. She said I her boyfriend, not me."

"Oh she wants you to be her boyfriend but you said no?"

"Yeah, she say I her boyfriend cuz I have beautiful eyes."

I started busting out laughing. I asked him to repeat it again. Sure enough, he said that she said he had beautiful eyes. I asked him if he told her she had beautiful eyes and he said...

"No, cuz her eyes aren't like mine. See mine, Mom? They're beautiful!"

It seems narcissism will follow through to the next generation in my son.

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