Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Here are my goals for the year!

* I am not too cool for school. So many years I've wanted to go back to school, and many times I've said- "this is the year". But THIS is the year. Everything is in place, there is absolutely no reason for me not to.

* Stop spending on "extras". We need to save up money to move to whatever school district we choose for Brian to go to kindergarten- so that way both Corbin & Brian can be in the same school district.

* Exercise daily. This resolution has failed in the past but I've been in the routine of doing so for about two weeks now and it's going good. When I exercise I have more energy throughout the day and generally just feel better. I like that. I want it to continue.

* Put more time and resources into my lia sophia business. It definitely was awesome to have that extra income for Christmas- now it's going to go towards the aforementioned move.

Corbin's New Year Resolutions:

"I just want to play outside for one hundred years"
"I want to grow up like my Mom"
"I want cool beds ever"
"I want game for myself, like Josh game"

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Great resolutions! I love Corbins too!