Now I've done a few fundraisers, but always the money we've raised has all gone to the Autism Society of Maine. This was the first time we did one to directly benefit Brian. I think I was moved by the support at the previous fundraisers, but nothing could compare to the support I feel now.
We had two bands offer to play for free, an owner of a local restaurant that offered their space for free, and friends and family who put together raffle baskets, again for free.
I had people who couldn't make it that still sent their admission cost (and more) and people who traveled over an hour to come. I have a classmate that heard about our trip and instead of selling her textbooks told me to sell them and take the buyback money for the trip.
People who can't stand rock music came and sucked it up. My grandmother came, oxygen tank and all!
I truly can never get over the support that we do have. It really does something for you, for your soul, for your whole thinking of this situation when you are surrounded by love, acceptance, and support.
Thank you particularly to my Mom, Patty, my Dad (for cutting a rug all night long!), Sabrina, Dena, The Juke Rockets, Vicky Andres band, well everyone- Carolee & Patrick, Adra, Kim, Harley & Terri, Steven & Kristi, Gram, Felicia, and if you were there or just gave me warm words of support- Thank you!!
That is wonderful! You did an awesome job and have a great support system!
Cool! That is an amazing thing to make happen. Jerry Lewis has got nothing on you! BTW, where's our telethon? How many kids have muscular dystrophy vs. autism?
when are you guys leaving for Austin?
That is wonderful! You did an awesome job and have a great support system!
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