Friday, May 14, 2010

i really have no clue

Brian, just today, noticed the four boxed seasons of LOST on our movie shelves. He became instantly obsessed over them. He was carrying them from one surface to another, lining them up with the fronts facing him, then with the sides facing him. He would "walk" them across the table and then put them back in their spots. He was counting them, lifting the covers one by one and then returning them. He tried to bring them upstairs several times and became very upset when I told him he couldn't. I don't know why there was this sudden obsession. I think he really liked the numbers on the boxes, as he has always loved numbers. And even though he's never seen a season of LOST maybe he just has good taste, like his mother.

I love to look at Brian's quirks, obsessions, body contortions, tantrums, etc. and try to analyze them. Try to figure out why it is why he is behaving in such manners. I think I'm pretty good at it, as I've learned more and more about sensory integration and the way different foods effect him. BUT really, let's admit, no one ever truly knows, besides the person having the behaviors.

So I'm just gonna admit it, I have no clue why he played with these four boxed sets for forty-five minutes today.


Christina said...

What a wonderful memory!

Christina said...

What a wonderful memory!