Had a busy day today with chores, homework, then commuting to school to be a mentor for the first-year students, come home and pick up the boys, go to the grocery store, and come back out to my car to realize I have no freaking idea where my keys are.
How does one lose their keys somewhere from getting out of the car and coming back to it?
I have been racking my mind like crazy and I can't even remember taking them out of the ignition- though I must've, as they weren't there. I got out, helped Brian zip up his coat, carried him in, put him into the big part of the cart, all the while urging Corbin to finish texting Josh on my phone so he would stop walking into things. Try as I may, I can't remember in any of those steps what I did with my keys.
I got back out to the car and loaded both boys and all the groceries in and sat down to go and I couldn't find them. Took the boys both out (oh just imagine what an autistic child thinks about going BACK into a store that you just left) and retraced our steps. Left a note at the customer service desk and then admitted defeat and called Josh to come pick us up.
Then I just slumped into this terrible mood for the rest of the evening where no one could say a word to me without me biting their heads off. Over car keys. I'm so frustrated with myself and my inability to remember ANYTHING these days. And of course it was my only set of keys, so tomorrow, when I'm suppose to be in class I need to go to the dealer and pray they have a key I can purchase, instead of a whole ignition.
So I'm just gonna be mad at the world and be bitchy. In some strange way, it makes me feel better.
I'm so sorry to hear about your lousy day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Blurg. That would make me crazy too. They will turn up after you have replaced the ignition.
(((Hugs))) Been there.
Blurg. That would make me crazy too. They will turn up after you have replaced the ignition.
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