Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hold my hand

This morning a friend of ours stopped by. He was standing outside talking through the screen to Josh. I don't think he's ever been over here before. He is one of Josh's teammates and the boys have met him a few times, but always at the softball field.

Brian opened up the screen door, grabbed his hand, and pulled him over to the kitchen table where his Leapfrog Phonics Radio was. Brian turned it on and looked up at our friend and smiled and laughed.

Josh and I were just dumbfounded, our friend thought it was cute but not sure he knew the significance of it, until of course I gushed it to him.

1 comment:

Dani G said...

amazing. They surprise us in the most subtle of ways. I bet that made your day. Funny how something that seems so small can change everything for us- even if for just a few moments. Love that B is bringing people "in" and sharing his interests!!