Monday, November 16, 2009

Corbin's Strong Heart

Corbin had his annual cardioligist appointment this past Friday and it was completely unremarkable. Which is great news. The arc in his aorta looks very smooth- as if there was never any surgical repairs to it. Our doctor did mention the blood flow through it looked rough so you can tell there is scar tissue there but it's not to the point to stress his heart. The thickness on the heart is completely normal, nothing like what it use to be thankfully. Same rules as usual- annual checkups, watch out for blue fingers & toes, complaining of chest pain, and/or tiring quicker than his peers when playing and there will be a follow-up procedure at some point, which we've always known, but for now it all looks great!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yay! I saw this on FB, but I am so happy!