Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Conversations at the doctor's office.

Dr. S.: "Corbin, what does it mean when someone says that it's raining cats and dogs outside?"
Corbin: "I don't know."
Dr. S.: "Well what do you do when someone says that?"
Corbin: "I look out the window."

and then...

Dr. S.: "Corbin, I'm going to tell you a joke, okay?  How do you catch a squirrel?"
Corbin: "Umm...with a gun?"
Dr. S.: "Nope, you climb a tree and act like a nut!"
Corbin: (pause) "Ha ha ha" (fake laughter)
Dr. S.: "Did you get it?"
Corbin: "No."
Dr. S.: "Because squirrels like to eat nuts but people can also act nuts."
Corbin: "Ohhh.  Okay." (still not really getting it)
 Mixed with stories of him loving Pokemon but only so he can collect, sort, and line them up in a perfect array on the floor rather than play a game.  Loving legos but never building anything only sorting them.  Mixed with only wanting to read books that list facts, rather than tell a story.  Mixed with having language-processing issues yet a whiz at math and science.  Mixed with getting along with everyone but not really having any close friends yet.  And tons of little itty things....

Gets you a referral to see if your child may have Aspergers syndrome.


Karla T said...

That might make sense combined with his sensory issues... but it stinks. How would you feel about an Asperger's diagnosis?

Lana Rush said...

You are 100% correct. This journey we are on with these kiddos is definitely never-ending. Hope you find some answers...

Steph Curtis said...

Ah, think it's true that all of us are on the Spectrum somewhere. I also worry about our elder non-diagnosed daughter. Am tempted to take her to the doctor to see if she needs help. Admitting it is the first step to a better life, right?! x

Heather St. Clair said...

Hey Steph, well Aspergers has been thrown around a few times prior with Corbin- I just wonder when it crosses the line from language-processing issues mixed with anxiety mixed with sensory-processing difficulties to full-blown Aspergers. I'm honestly excited about the eval no matter what the outcome- I want his school to understand him better and hopefully make school not so "terrible" for him anymore :/

Heather St. Clair said...

Oh and I meant to say that I always say I'm just a few puzzle pieces short of Aspergers myself

Heather St. Clair said...

Thanks Lana!

Heather St. Clair said...

Hey Karla, I really don't think that it will hit me like Brian's. No matter what Corbin will be able to be a fully-functioning quirky adult with some really great splinter skills. I am hoping that they just diagnose him accurately, no matter what they say, so we can get his IEP to fit him more accurately and school can be easier for him.