Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ann Coulter, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think

Ann Coulter:

The whole internet is abuzz today about your twitter post following the Presidential debates.  I know, that as your career wanes, that you are looking for shock value.  That you want to elicit responses, whether it's negative or positive, much like a child starving for attention.

You can say what you want regarding your right-wing tea-party crazy-talk politics but when you stoop to the position of referring to our President as a "retard" you've gone over the line.

When you use that word, you are degrading an entire population of people, that do not deserve that hate you love to spread like wildfire.

You are insulting my son.

You are hurting his family.

You are disrespecting this beautiful boy.

He is waiting for an apology.  I am waiting for an apology.  A whole community is waiting for an apology.

However, knowing your capacity for compassion and integrity we won't hold our breath.


A Pissed Off Mom

Thanks to Jillsmo for starting this blog hop!  Join in and share a picture of your child that Ann Coulter is degrading with her immature use of words.


Ashley said...

Yes ma'am! "...much like a child starving for attention." So very true. I love it!!

Lana Rush said...

Preach it, Heather! :)