Thursday, March 1, 2012


Not autism-related, but it needs to be shared.

Corbin has been bugging for karate lessons for a long time.

I finally got him into a class.

He went to his first lesson yesterday.

I didn't get to go with him, so he was anxious to show me his moves when we got home.

This is what happened five seconds later.

He is now convinced he is a deadly weapon.  That he deserves a black belt.  And he is going to be the next ninja master.

Hide your furniture!


Marsupial Mama said...

Awww, that's so stinking cute!!  I'm a big big fan of martial arts (so are my 6 & 9 year old brothers, and so was my older brother and pretty much everyone else in my life (except for the pansies) **lol**).  Also, I clicked on your link from my blog and got this error message that said "this page is no longer available".  It nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought you'd disabled your blog or something.  Then I hit refresh and everything was okay.  **phew**  Heh heh heh

Heather St. Clair said...

Ahhh!! It was probably because I accidentally posted this same post twice so I had to delete one.  Don't worry, I may have been quiet the past couple of months but I'm not going anywhere :)