This is a call going out to all my fellow parents whom believe, actually who know, that vaccinations played a part in their child's autism. I have decided to do my big end-of-the-year paper for my English class to be based on the hypothesis, "Our current vaccination schedule is unsafe for some children and that it has played a part in the rise of autism".
For a good research paper I need to have resources that are unbiased- I'm going to be using fourteenstudies.org, which we all know is biased BUT they provide all of the key studies that researchers keep claiming show that there is no link between vaccinations and autism. So where the site is biased the information provided is not, in my opinion.
I'm also using the book, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, by Dr. Kenneth Bock. Again, this book is biased as Dr. Bock truly believes in what we all believe. But he gives his information in the book very scientifically and matter-of-fact.
I really need one more good resource- that can't be contrived as biased at all. I've been searching the web but it is sometimes so hard to sort through the millions of sites there are. If anyone knows of a really good site please comment or email- hstclair@kvcc.me.edu.