Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Count Your Blessings.

 Count your blessings.

A wonderful, warm home.

Lovely chaos that make me laugh everyday.

Words flowing from the mouths of my babes.

Flowers delivered to me on a weekly basis.

A home full of family on Thanksgiving.

A career that is fulfilling.

Friends that lift me up with a simple hug or joke.

A longing to live life to it's fullest.

A partner who gets me.

A place in his arms that feels like home.

A boy that decides to empty his piggy bank and his
toy box for victims of Hurricane Sandy.

A boy that puts his little hands on your cheeks and rubs his nose
against yours to tell you that he loves you, as the words don't come that easily.

Sisters that are always there when times get tough.

Parents who are your biggest cheerleaders.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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